
How to Apply for IEC using Digital Signature Certificate

How to Apply for Importer Exporter Code (IEC) using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)? The manual way of applying for Importer Exporter Code (IEC) is stopped as of April 1, 2016. For obtaining your IEC code you need to apply online with necessary documents. The applicant for IEC should ensure that the details given by the applicant in the online application should match with the details in the uploaded documents and an online application for an IEC can be made only using a digital certificate (DSC Class II & DSC Class III). IEC needs to be updated at least once in a year with the latest information regarding a change in the mode of ownership of the business, change in the name of the person, change in the address of the person, change in nature of the firm and other such details. If IEC is not updated with the latest information regarding the holder then, DGFT can cancel the IEC of such person. If the IEC is canceled for a person with a particular Permanent Account Number (...

What is a Digital Signature Certificate

Check Here :  Digital Signature Certificate Price List What is a Digital Signature Certificate? A digital signature is a mathematical scheme that validates the integrity or authenticity of a given digital document or digital message. Digital signature certificates are the electronic or digital equivalent of paper certificates. Digital signature certificates validate your digital signature and for affixing digital signatures to e-documents digital signature certificates are required. Generally certificates are used to prove the identity of a person for particular purpose like driving license or passport or pan card or others. Similarly digital signature certificates are used to prove the identity of the person digitally to avail information or services on the internet and to sign certain documents digitally. What are the types of Digital Signature Certificates? There are three types of  digital signature certificates  depending on the validation of iden...

Digital Signature Certificate Price List In India 2017 - P Square Technologies

Digital Signature Certificate Price List In India 2017 We are ‘P Square Technologies’, a leader in the sales and support for  Digital Certificates in Bangalore . We are having a profound experience in the field and we will guide you in buying digital certificates that suits you. You can buy digital certificates from us at reasonable prices. Digital Signature Certificate Price List In India Class Transaction Type Validity Individual Organization Class 2 Signing New 1 year Rs. 850/- Rs. 1100/- Class 2 Signing Renewal 1 year Rs. 650/- Rs. 900/- Class 2 Signing New 2 year Rs. 1600/- Rs. 1100/- Class 2 Signing Renewal 2 year Rs. 1100/- Rs. 1300/- Class 2 Signing+Encryption New 1 year Rs. 1600/- Rs. 2000/- Class 2 Signing+Encryption Renewal 1 year Rs. 1350/- Rs. 1600/- Class 2 Signing+Encryption New 2 year Rs. 2100/- Rs. 2500/- Class 2 Signing+Encryption Renewal 2 year Rs. 1900/- Rs. 2200/- Class 3 Signing New 1 year Rs. 2800/- Rs. 3400/- Class 3 Signing R...

How to Upload Digital Signature Certificate - P Square Technologies

How to Register & Upload Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for e-Filing of Your Income Tax Return (ITR)? Check Here :  Digital Signature Certificate Price List The Government of India has made the income tax returns filing process easy and convenient by introducing e-filing process through online tax filing. The income tax assesse must affix his/her digital signature to the tax return document for authenticating the e-filing process. Digital signatures are mathematical algorithms embedded in a document that authenticate or validate a person’s signature and prove the truthfulness associated with the document in a secure and fraud free environment. These signatures are as genuine as a pen signed signature of the person on a document according to the Information Technology Act, 2000 passed by Government of India. There is no possibility of disowning digital signatures or considering them as fraud as necessary security check comes along with the documen...

Digital Signature Vs Electronic Signatures - P Square Technologies

How Electronic Signatures Are Different From Digital Signatures? Check Here :  Digital Signature Certificate Price List The world is moving towards an era of e-governance & e-transactions and hence electronic and digital signatures play an important role in authenticating documents. All signatures related to electronic media are termed as electronic signatures and they include digital signatures. All digital signatures are electronic in nature but all electronic signatures cannot be categorized under digital signatures. Many of the companies are providing electronic signature services to clients across various segments as they are simple in nature. Any voice, image or impression by a person used as a signature on electronic document becomes electronic signature. Digital signatures are imprinted signatures with a mathematical scheme embedded in the document or mail. Electronic Signatures Electronic signatures are very simple and easy to use and they are wid...

Top 10 Digital Signature Certificate Providers in India | Best Digital Signature Certificate Online

Top 10 Digital Signature Certificate Providers in India Check Here :  Digital Signature Certificate Price List Ministry of Corporate Affairs The Ministry is primarily concerned with administration of the Companies Act 2013, the Companies Act 1956, the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 & other allied Acts and rules & regulations framed there-under mainly for regulating the functioning of the corporate sector in accordance with law. The Ministry is also responsible for administering the Competition Act, 2002 to prevent practices having adverse effect on competition, to promote and sustain competition in markets, to protect the interests of consumers through the commission set up under the Act. Besides, it exercises supervision over the three professional bodies, namely, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI), Institute of Company Secretaries of India(ICSI) and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) which are constituted under three...

Benefits of having a Digital Signature - P Square Technologies

Why Digital Signatures are Important What are Digital Signatures? Digital signatures  are a type of advanced electronic signatures. Digital signatures are used to implement electronic signatures and not all electronic signatures qualify as digital signatures. A digital signature is a mathematical scheme that validates the integrity or authenticity of a given digital document or digital message. The digital signatures prove the authenticity of a digital message or document to a receiver that it has been sent by a known person and it is not tampered with during the transit. These digital signatures have wide usage across software distributions and other financial transactions where detecting fraud, forgery and tampering is essential. Check Here : Digital Signature Certificate Price List How does it Work? The data sent over internet needs to be safe, secure and confidential, if the data is sensitive like money transactions, important company documents and other...